Easy, delicious, pumpkin bread. This is the best one I've tried. The bread is moist and dense and filled with chocolate. Everyone who tries it raves. Can...
Despite the title, this recipe is not a soup. It is actually a hearty cornbread, flavored with cheese and onions. In Paraguay it is traditionally served...
My son starts asking for this pumpkin bread before Thanksgiving. I make 2 or 3 batches every week between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Closer to Christmas...
Saw Giada Delaurentis make these on the Food Network and they look wonderful. Although they are called biscuits, they are baked in muffin tins and topped...
This makes a small Fruit Soda Bread loaf that I based on proportions listed for the Rankin brand of Irish Fruit Soda Bread made by Irwin's Bakery in Ireland....
My boss had so many raspberries that she did not know what to do with them. She found this recipe and used them instead of the blueberries. They are wonderful....
A lo-fat muffin that tastes great. This is a "heavy" muffin - not light & fluffy, but tasty. To reduce fat & cholesterol I replaced the butter with Smart...
From Cooking Light, Oct. 1999. This healthful bread is full of goodness, and it tastes delicious, too! Store in an airtight container in your refrigerator...
This is a delicious low fat version of my mom's recipe. It yields 2 loaves. I'm a very busy person with small children and lots of pets, so I will offer...
A pawpaw is not a papaya, but a wild fruit that grows on trees in the mid-west. It is the Ohio State Native Fruit and sometimes called an Indiana banana....
A very moist nut bread with an orange glaze on top. Delicious! They make nice gifts if you tuck one in a basket with a pretty napkin and bow. This is one...
My friend, Biscuit, had sent me some lovely, dried, Mount Rainier cherries and I wanted to use them in a muffin. I found Mean Chef's Recipe #41601 here...
Did you ever have a recipe card that was so hard to read it is like a child's favorite book? The one they can read to you word for word without ever opening...
This is my favorite meal. It is cornbread made with breakfast sausage and cheddar cheese in the middle. I make this in a 10-inch iron skillet, but it can...
An unusual combination, to be sure, but one that looks so good I just had to share! I've recently discovered the wonders of avocados, and have been trying...
A nice way to get around the usual requirement of yeast for this bread. This was taken a long time ago from a community or restaurant cookbook. My coworkers...
I have only made these muffins with raspberries, but you could use apples, peaches, blueberries, etc. Make sure to use regular sour cream, not low-fat...
These muffins have a very fluffy texture and a rich garlicky taste. They are greta served on a brunch buffet or as a snack. I like them spread with additional...
Another great recipe from Orangette.blogspot.com. Blogger Molly adapted this recipe from the book, HomeBaking: The Artful Mix of Flour and Tradition around...
I got this from another recipe site, so I don't know the original source. It is nice and moist and has a good chocolately flavor. The original recipe said...
An adjusted recipe for a muffin booklet sent to me by TOH. The original recipe called for raisins but I really prefer the taste of dried cranberries instead....
Adapted from the Penzey's spices catalog. These are very moist and speckled with tiny bits of chocolate. I fill my muffin tins very full,m so I actually...
Black walnuts are a native American nut that has a strong, slightly bitter flavor. They are not always easy to find in the grocery, but you can substitute...
From Women's Health Magazine, these taste awesome and they're really healthy for you! I like to put them in the fridge and microwave one for breakfast....
These used to be served at the Jordon Marsh department stores(now Macy's). On our shopping trips, my sister and I always made sure we stopped at their...